Stewart Lever

Our Stewart is one of the Lever Family, who ran folk clubs in Warrington in the early 70's. For many years he dropped out of the folk club scene, but started coming to the Railway in 2002.

When Don and Heather announced that they were retiring in October 2002, they asked Stewart if he was brave enough to take on the responsibility of Club Organiser... and he took over the reins in January 2003.

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He's been playing guitar since he was 14, and his influences include Bert Jansch, John Renbourn and Martin Carthy, and whilst not in their league, he plays a mean finger style guitar!

He also especially enjoys several singer/songwriters, Allan Taylor and Anthony John Clarke to name but two.

He writes songs himself now, covering love, loss, life and has just started to write comic songs.

As a resident of the Club, he sings any songs he enjoys, from traditional to contemporary.